Portal Enabled Contact Merge

Portal Enabled Contact Merge

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how clearMDM can match and merge records automatically across a record hierarchy. In the example below, match and merge at the Account level consolidates Suppliers and Contacts which are then matched and merged and their related records are reparented. In the case of portal enabled Contact merge, the losing Contacts have the related user disabled.

Follow these steps to match and merge records automatically across a record hierarchy:

Pre-Requisite – Two Accounts have been setup , each with the same Supplier and Contact Record , and the two Accounts have matched. The two Contacts are Portal Enabled users.

  1. Navigate to the Accounts tab.
  2. Select the Account Record.
  3. Click on the View Matches link.
  4. Select Merge.
  5. Click the View Master Record link.

The two Accounts have merged and the Master Record displays the Contacts and the Suppliers in the related tab. The two Contacts have also matched and merged, and one is displayed as the Merge Master. The Merge Source Contact has the Portal user disabled.

Portal Enabled Contact Merge

The two Suppliers have merged along with the Supplier tenders.

To find out more about Portal Enabled Contact Merge, please do not hesitate to contact us at hello@clearmdm.com.

Article last reviewed: 2024-08-27