Package Installation
Use this URL to install the package into any organization:
Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with
Use of clearMDM is subject to our terms and conditions.
MDM Jobs - Blocking Key Sequence
When scheduling a Matching or Synchronisation Job, a Blocking Key can be selected (when more than one exists) to use in the MDM Operation. There is also the option to select ‘All’, which will validate against all 3 Blocking Keys, and continue to do so until all 3 have been checked.
The following blog post provides further detailed information.
Blocking Key Process Request - Blocking Key Sequence
When creating a Blocking Key Process Request, there is the option to select ‘Is Multiple Blocking Keys?’ and the ‘Blocking Key Sequence’, e.g. 1, 2 or 3. If This field is selected and the Blocking Key Sequence of 2 is entered, the Blocking Key Process Request will start looking for Matches on Blocking Key 2, then 3 then 1.
The following blog post provides further detailed information.
v9.27 Spring 25
Package Installation
clearMDM Spring 25 (v9.27) Release Notes.
Use this URL to install the package into any organization:
Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with
Use of clearMDM is subject to our terms and conditions.
Find Matches UI
The Find Matches UI now displays a ‘Blocking Key for Matching field’ that allows the filtering of the Blocking Key for Matching when the Find button is selected. There is also the option to select ‘All’ which will look for Matches on all Blocking Keys.
Only Matches above the specified Match threshold are displayed, although you can select the ‘Return Non Matches?’ checkbox to display those below the threshold.
Potential Matches
Potential Matches only displays records that have Matched according to the Match threshold, not those below this threshold.
Merge UI
The Account Merge UI now displays the Parent Account ID as a Name link and the Contact and Supplier Merge UI displays Account ID as a name link. Previously these were record ID links.
Data Source Settings
A new setting within Data Source settings has been added to address non reparentable Child Objects. The setting ‘Is Clone Reparenting?’ defaults to ticked where the Child Object does not have a master relationship.
Winter 25
Package Installation
clearMDM Winter 25 (v9.14) Release Notes.
Use this URL to install the package into any organization:
Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with
Use of clearMDM is subject to our terms and conditions.
Multiple Blocking Keys
New Matching functionality for Winter ’25, described via the blog post linked below.
v9.9 Summer 24
Package Installation
Use this URL to install the package into any organization:
Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with
Use of clearMDM is subject to our terms and conditions.
New Merge UI
The new manual Merge UI supports attribute groups and both the master record selection and field selection defaults driven by the configured rules. As such the default display is exactly how the automated processes would merge the data, however the Merge UI allows selections to be changed or overrides added.
Reparenting Deep Clone
The MDM Reparenting operation now supports a Deep Clone mode where the child object relationships for losing records can be traversed recursively to establish a complete hierarchy of records at the master record level irrespective of whether the relationship type is master detail (non-reparentable) or otherwise.
Merge Now
The Merge Now function available in the data stewardship UI now supports child record reparenting and the Deep Clone functionality noted above.
v8.0 Spring 24
Package Installation
Use this URL to install the package into any organization: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with
Use of clearMDM is subject to our terms and conditions.
Salesforce Consent Management
Enhanced compatibility with the Salesforce Consent Management Data Model.
Merge Rollback
Merge Rollback now reverts related records reparented by real-time reparenting rules back to the original parent.
Data Retention
The MDM Generated Data Sweeper process now supports data retention policies for Merge Result data.