clearMDM Matched Record Statistics
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to run the Matched Record Statistics Job, including analysing the results.
Matched Record Statistics highlight the number of potential matched groups and the individual matched records within datasets along with the quality and the effectiveness of the deduplication process.
Matching and Merging does not occur when running the Matched Statistics Job, the results are purely for analytical purposes which can be grouped by a specified field name.
Firstly, the MDM Settings for the Target Object in question needs to have the following setting:
- Navigate to MDM Settings.
- Select the Target Objects tab.
- Edit the ContactTarget Object (for example).
- Select the Matching Settings tab.
Within this tab, there is a field called ‘Matching Settings Grouping Field Name’. You can select which field you would like to use that specifies the grouping for Matching Statistics. In this example, Contact Normalised Last Name (clearMDM custom field) has been selected. Note: If a Matching Settings Group Field Name is not specified, then when the Matching Statistics Job is scheduled, it will use the Blocking Key Group value. As you can have up to 3 Blocking Key Groups, the one used will depend upon the Blocking Key selected when scheduling the job.
After setting the Matching Statistics Grouping Field Name, the Matching Statistics Job can be scheduled. This Job will scan the Target Object selected and find matches by the Blocking Key and Matching Rules and then group based upon the Matching Statistics Grouping Field Name, in this example the Contact Normalised Last Name.
To schedule the Job, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Jobs Tab.
- Select Job Type of Matching Statistics.
- Select the Object (in this instance Contact).
- Select the Schedule (for testing purposes use Now).
- Select the Schedule Job button.
The Matching Statistics Job has now been scheduled. The Batch Job Runs tab displays the status of the Job and when it is completed. Once completed navigate to the Matched Record Statistics Tab.
The Matched Record Statistics Tab displays the results of the Matching Statistics Job. The Statistics Grouping is per the configuration setup for the Matching Statistics Grouping Field Name. If this has not been set, then the Blocking Key Group value is displayed here.
Each Statistic Grouping displays the number of Matched Records and the number of Matched Record Groups. A Match Score is also calculated which provides a level of match confidence and an analysis overview.
To find out more about clearMDM and Matched Record Statistics, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Article last reviewed: 2025-02-12