MDM Core Concepts

MDM Data Flow

This article discusses the Core Concepts, Cleanse>Match>Merge>Reparent within clearMDM.


Verify, validate or enrich data via Global Data Providers.e.g. Verify email addresses to check inbox deliverability.

Standardise field values to improve accuracy. e.g. Country Names to ISO Codes. Remove company suffixes.

  • Records are Created / Modified
  • Cleanse Outputs, Blocking Key
  • Activated (for Matching)


Identify matching records using rules which reflect the dataset characteristics. e.g. Match on exact Name + Email or Name + Fuzzy address.

  • Gather activated records
  • Group records by Blocking Key
  • Add Master Records for the Blocking Keys
  • Apply Matching Rules within Blocking Key Groups
  • Create Matched Record Pairs for matches above threshold %


Merge matched records with custom logic for Master Record selection and field values. Manage the record lifecycle. e.g. Retain Oldest record as the Master and the newest Consent status.

  • Gather Matched Record Pair groups where all pairs are Accepted
  • Identify the Master Record
  • Populate the Master Record Field Values


Consolidate related records to the Master Record and calculate aggregate based KPI.e.g. Reparent active service cases to the Master.

  • Reparent Child Records and calculate aggregate KPI

Target Objects

Target Objects represent the MDM Configuration for a Salesforce Object generally or for a specific Record Type.

All MDM rules are configured for a Target Object using the fields defined for the object (standard, custom, 3rd party packaged).

Data Sources

Data Sources represent a source of data (i.e. records) which is governed by a Target Object.

Data Sources can be the same object as the Target Object or a different object. Data partitions enable subsets of records (in an object) to be governed by different Target Objects.

MDM Processing Models

  • Scheduled Batch Jobs
    • Execute MDM operations across multiple records (i.e. in bulk).
    • Typically used for dataset initialisation or where data loads run daily.
  • Real-time MDM
    • Execute MDM operations for individual records in response to record creation or modification (material changes). Zero latency.
  • Platform Action
    • Integrate MDM operations into existing (or new) process automations.
  • API
    • Integrate MDM operations with external services. Distributed MDM or Hub architectures. Application integrations such as Mobile apps etc.

To find out more about clearMDM please do not hesitate to contact us at

Article last reviewed: 2025-01-05